Intermediate Spanish 2
Strengthens Spanish listening, speaking, reading and writing skills acquired in Intermediate Spanish I. Prepares students to use real-world application of language and cultural skills and knowledge in their chosen field at the high-intermediate level. See placement guidelines on Advisement Homepage. Instructor determines final placement. Prerequisite: SPA 201 or equivalent. Typically offered Spring only.
Subject Code: SPA
Course Number: 202
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Engage in spontaneous conversation about various topics utilizing a wide variety of tenses and structures (past, present, future, commands, conditional, compound tenses etc.). [speaking and listening]
2. Support opinions using details, persuade listeners. [speaking and listening]
3. Identify tone and register from a variety of audio input (dialogs, monologues, videos, newscasts etc.) [listening]
4. Extract details from audio input that contains a wide variety of tenses and structures. [listening]
5. Read for content comprehension from sources (essays, articles, short stories, poems etc.) that incorporate a wide variety of tenses and structures (past, present, future, commands, conditional, compound tenses etc.) [reading]
6. Identify cultural components and literary techniques that appear in written work. [reading, culture]
7. Compose cohesive written work in Spanish (essays, letters, conversations, advertisements etc.) [writing]
8. Revise written work in Spanish. [writing]
9. Compare and contrast key aspects of Spanish-speaking culture with one’s own culture. [culture]
10. Discuss impact of migration of Spanish-speakers. [culture, diversity]
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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