American State and Local Government
Introduces organization, structure, and function of state, county, regional, and municipal government, with special attention given to New York State government.
Subject Code: POS
Course Number: 103
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss the historical origins of Federalism and how it has changed over time.
2. Identify government institutions at the state and local level.
3. Explain the Constitutional and legal limits of state and local governments.
4. Discuss citizen participation and voter behavior and how they influence political institutions.
5. Appraise how media and popular culture influence state and local governance.
6. Discuss the role of interest groups and political parties in governance at the state and local level.
7. Evaluate historical evidence (primary and secondary sources) to identify an author’s bias or perspective.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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