How Things Work
Explores the physical world and its impact on human life, including the basic principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, waves, optics, and atomic physics. Recommended for students pursuing nontechnical majors. Two class hours and two laboratory hours. Prerequisite: Basic arithmetic skills equivalent to MAT091.
Subject Code: PHY
Course Number: 100
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 2
Lab Hours: 2
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe basic principles of physics using proper terminology. (This includes an overview of mechanics, thermodynamics, waves and optics, electromagnetism, and atomic/ nuclear physics.)
2. Reason, using basic principles of physics to draw conclusions.
3. Interpret equations and graphs conceptually.
4. Apply mathematical processes correctly to solve physics-based problems (select correct formula; assign correct numerical values; perform arithmetic).
5. Use laboratory equipment, given written instructions, to demonstrate and verify theoretical principles in actual physical systems.
6. Analyze the results of laboratory experiments to draw conclusions on whether they are in agreement with generally accepted values or principles.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

Tutoring Services
Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. We are offering tutoring online for: accounting, math, writing, chemistry, physics, general biology, anatomy & physiology, American Sign Language, and success skills.