Hip Hop Music and Culture
Studies the development of hip hop styles and techniques and the social, political, and cultural phenomenon associated with them.
Subject Code: MUS
Course Number: 109
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify different styles of hip hop music.
2. Discuss hip hop culture and the trajectory of the movement by examining the dynamics of power, privilege, oppression, and opportunity that shaped the identity of minority groups in society throughout history.
3. Analyze musical influences in examples throughout hip hop history from audio or video examples, using proper musical vocabulary.
4. Explain the influence of hip hop on American culture during various time periods.
5. Examine the global impact that hip hop has played in society.
6. Discuss the importance of hip hop music as a communicator of African American culture.
7. Describe the interconnectedness between historical events, societal/cultural norms and the hip hop genre.
8. Recognize the influence of hip hop music as an American art form and communicator of American culture and values as it relates to the historical, social, cultural, or political development of diverse communities within the United States.
9. Examine the important role that race, class, and gender played in hip hop culture and how hip hop music challenged social norms by bringing awareness to issues of social and racial justice throughout history.
Effective Term: Fall 2023

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