Technical Math 1
Reviews basic algebraic operations and solutions of linear equations. Emphasizes applications of linear equations, graphing techniques, units of measurement conversions, exponents and radicals, functions, trigonometric functions, and vectors. Prerequisite: MAT092 or higher or by placement.
Subject Code: MAT
Course Number: 121
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Express mathematical results properly utilizing the rules of accuracy or precision
2. Simplify radical expressions
3. Use unit analysis to do unit conversions
4. Graph functions by hand or using a calculator as needed
5. Convert logarithmic equations to exponential equations and vice versa
6. Solve simple equations involving logarithms or exponentials as required
7. Convert angles from degrees to radians and vice versa
8. Evaluate trigonometric ratios using either reference triangles or a calculator as directed
9. Add vectors using the component method.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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