Intro to Movement and Dance
Develops awareness of individual movement characteristics through the experiential learning of movement skills on the introductory level. Surveys elementary modern dance techniques, elements of rhythm and spatial awareness, and simple composition and improvisational dance studies.
Subject Code: DAN
Course Number: 127
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Employ motor skills related to dance (running, walking, skipping, leaping, galloping, sliding, and jumping) using changes of direction (front, side, back, diagonals).
2. Create movement phrases using basic motor skills.
3. Explain the basic concepts of movement (time, space, and energy).
4. Execute an increased level of proficiency in body alignment and placement while performing basic locomotor skills.
5. Execute skill proficiency in various exercises (barre exercises, and traveling movement phrases).
6. Count and move to basic time signatures of 3/4, 4/4, 2/4 time.
7. Explain the difference between structured and free improvisational dance.
8. Conduct personal daily warm-up routines.
9. Choreograph a short (1-3 minute) movement piece incorporating elements of space, time, and energy within solo/group performance.
10. Critique live performances using dance vocabulary.
11. Describe notable dance choreographers and their importance in the development of the craft.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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