New Communication Technologies
Provides an historical and theoretical perspective on new communication and information technologies. Examines the interconnection between technology, culture, economics, and politics through a projects-based approach.
Subject Code: COM
Course Number: 120
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe varying processes of the diffusion of innovations.
2. Identify various strategies for idea diffusion based on the media platform used.
3. Compare and contrast planned versus viral marketing strategies.
4. Access and utilize Pew Media Research data for market analysis purposes.
5. Evaluate a social media campaign.
6. Build a complete portfolio for a client social media marketing proposal.
7. Describe a variety of small business digital marketing principles and strategies.
8. Discuss the social and cultural implications of the use of various social media/new communication information technologies.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

Tutoring Services
Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. We are offering tutoring online for: accounting, math, writing, chemistry, physics, general biology, anatomy & physiology, American Sign Language, and success skills.