Female Role in Film
Examines how American films from 1920 to the present depict women in a variety of genres: melodrama, romance, comedy, film noir, etc. Studies how societal changes affected the way women were presented in Hollywood. Prerequisite: completion of the Genesee Community College reading proficiency.
Subject Code: CIN
Course Number: 242
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify conventions that distinguish the female roles in film from the male roles.
2. Interpret the roles women played on screen throughout at least three different eras.
3. Contrast the effect male directors have had in their interpretations of the female role with changes brought about by female directors.
4. Assess the degree to which significant positive female role models were available in the early days of cinema.
5. Summarize the shift in perspective which led to the current presentation of female roles in cinema.
6. Describe the impact of the feminist movement in bringing about changes in the images of women in film.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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